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Version: v3.x

VkRegistry Smart Contract


Code location: VkRegistry.sol

The VkRegistry is a contract that holds the verifying keys for the zk-SNARK circuits. It holds two different sets of keys:

  • processVks - The keys for the processMessages circuit
  • tallyVks - The keys for the tallyVotes circuit

Each circuit will have a signature which is its compile-time constants represented as a uint256.

Please note that each Verifying Key should be set with the corresponding mode. Available modes are quadratic voting and non quadratic voting.

The contract owner can set them using the setVerifyingKeysBatch function:

  function setVerifyingKeysBatch(
uint256 _stateTreeDepth,
uint256 _intStateTreeDepth,
uint256 _messageTreeDepth,
uint256 _voteOptionTreeDepth,
uint256 _messageBatchSize,
Mode[] calldata _modes,
VerifyingKey[] calldata _processVks,
VerifyingKey[] calldata _tallyVks
) public onlyOwner {
if (_modes.length != _processVks.length || _modes.length != _tallyVks.length) {
revert InvalidKeysParams();

uint256 length = _modes.length;

for (uint256 index = 0; index < length; ) {

unchecked {